The Vavilov-Frankel Fellowships support young researchers in themes of conserving and using genetic resources in agriculture.
The Vavilov-Frankel Fellowships support young researchers in themes of conserving and using genetic resources in agriculture.
Applicants are researchers in low and middle-income countries who are under age 35. In 2013, the program will support two fellowships, each up to US$20 thousand.
This year’s fellowships focus on the following themes:
- Use of agrobiodiversity as an instrument for climate change adaptation
- Research to enhance the conservation of genetic resources of a tree species important to the livelihoods of the rural poor
- Sustainable diets for improved nutrition and health
- Policy research in support of implementation of the International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
- Gene discovery in crop wild relatives
- Facilitating better use of genebank materials
- Researching neglected and underutilized species for food and nutrition security
- Applying economics to agrobiodiversity conservation, sustainable use and policy analysis
- Management of Musa diseases through a better understanding of specific host-pathogen interactions and co-evolution
The closing date for applications (English, French, or Spanish) is 11 November 2012. The full announcement, guidelines, and application form are available here.