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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: Labor-Saving Innovations for Women Smallholder Farmers


The Bill & Melinda Gates program "Grand Challenges Explorations" supports exploratory research of unorthodox ideas related to global health and development.  Round 10 of Grand Challenges includes a topic on innovations to help women farmers in developing countries reduce their labor and increase their productivity.


The Bill & Melinda Gates program "Grand Challenges Explorations" supports exploratory research of unorthodox ideas related to global health and development.  Round 10 of Grand Challenges includes a topic on innovations to help women farmers in developing countries reduce their labor and increase their productivity.

The Grand Challenges Explorations are open to individuals at private and public organizations worldwide. The Gates Foundation describes this challenge in detail, giving examples of labor-saving possibilities.  It specifies what it is looking for from applicants, and what it is not looking for. 

Grants in Phase I are US$100 thousand.  Successful initiatives can apply for follow-up funding.

The Foundation provides details on how to apply for funding.  The deadline for applications in Round 10 is 07 November 2012.