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ACP-EU Cooperation Program in Science and Technology: Call for Proposals

The European Commission announces S&T II as its second call for proposals to strengthen science, technology, and innovation in developing countries. Priority thematic areas are energy access and efficiency, as well as agriculture and food security.

Grants will range from €300 thousand to €1 million (exceptionally to €3 million) for activities in capacity building, awareness raising, science promotion, and other support for S&T. The program is open to organizations in the developing countries defined by the EDF and DCI funding categories (i.e., most developing countries) -- and to international organizations.

The European Commission announces S&T II as its second call for proposals to strengthen science, technology, and innovation in developing countries. Priority thematic areas are energy access and efficiency, as well as agriculture and food security.

Grants will range from €300 thousand to €1 million (exceptionally to €3 million) for activities in capacity building, awareness raising, science promotion, and other support for S&T. The program is open to organizations in the developing countries defined by the EDF and DCI funding categories (i.e., most developing countries) -- and to international organizations.

A proposal requires three or more partners, at least two of which must be located in ACP (African, Caribbean, and Pacific) member states.

Before drafting their proposals, the applicants should read the guidelines for grant applicants (available in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese).  Applicants must apply in English or FrenchThe application deadline is 07 February 2013.