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Scholarships for the IFOAM Organic Leadership Course - South Asia 2013

Join IFOAM for the first module of the course in India, from April 3 -13, 2013.
IFOAM has secured additional funding to support this exciting and valuable training.  Applicants showing the most need and commitment, could benefit from a reduced fee of 250 Euro (iRs 17500)

After the first residential course, you embark on a 7-month

Join IFOAM for the first module of the course in India, from April 3 -13, 2013.
IFOAM has secured additional funding to support this exciting and valuable training.  Applicants showing the most need and commitment, could benefit from a reduced fee of 250 Euro (iRs 17500)

  1. Get an increased understanding of the principles of organic agriculture.
  2. Expand your knowledge of the organic agriculture value chain.
  3. Learn about the global movement and support structures.
  4. Build your advocacy skills.
  5. Increase your knowledge and understanding of regulations, standards and certification.
  6. Most importantly, hone the skills and attitudes to take a leadership role in the industry!

After the first residential course, you embark on a 7-month

E-learning journey, culminating in a six-day residential session in November 2013 during Biofach in Bangalore.

The tuition fee includes all materials, activities, board and lodging during the sessions.  It excludes travel to and from the venues. 

Full fee:  3200 Euro - Scholarship fee: only 250 Euro - Apply Now!

Go to to download an application, or email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.