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SANDEE LUMS Research and Writing Workshop, Lahore, Pakistan

Concept Note Submission Deadline: 3rd January 2013

The Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) and the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) are jointly organizing a Research and Writing Workshop in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics in March 2013 in Lahore. The aim of this workshop is to build research capacity in the area of environment and resource economics. The workshop will provide an opportunity for Pakistani researchers interested in the field of environmental and natural resource economics to become more familiar with research concepts and techniques. It will also familiarize them with research in South Asia being undertaken by LUMS and SANDEE researchers. International and local experts will conduct the workshop.

Call for Applications | 6 - 9 March 2013 | LUMS, Lahore

Concept Note Submission Deadline: 3rd January 2013

The Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) and the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) are jointly organizing a Research and Writing Workshop in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics in March 2013 in Lahore. The aim of this workshop is to build research capacity in the area of environment and resource economics. The workshop will provide an opportunity for Pakistani researchers interested in the field of environmental and natural resource economics to become more familiar with research concepts and techniques. It will also familiarize them with research in South Asia being undertaken by LUMS and SANDEE researchers. International and local experts will conduct the workshop.

The workshop will provide practical training where participants themselves have to develop concept notes into research proposals under the guidance and assistance of resource persons. A total of 12-14 participants will be invited so that close attention can be given to each researcher's proposal. Participants will initially present their research concepts to peers and receive comments. Reading some new research papers and informal consultation with the experts for revisions will follow this. The candidates will have to present a modified version of the research concept again, which will help them to shape a complete proposal for submitting to SANDEE.


  • A background in Economics with a Masters Degree and two years of research or teaching experience is essential. Candidates with PhD are encouraged.
  • Interest in research and teaching related to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
  • Mid-career and young applicants are encouraged to apply
  • Quantitative skills and previous research experience would be helpful

Requirements for Application

  • Apply with a short CV [no more than two pages] and a cover letter expressing research interest
  • A three page concept note [as per the guidelines attached] should be submitted 
  • Key research topics for the concept note: Climate Change, Environmental Degradation, Pollution Management, Forestry and Fisheries, Resources and Protected Area Management, Economic Incentives and Policy Instruments for greener growth and environmental management. 
  • Apply directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a copy to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 3rd January 2013.
  • The quality of the concept note will be the main criteria of candidate selection for the workshop.

Submission Deadline 3rd January 2013

For further queries or clarifications, the candidates are advised to contact the given email addresses and also visit or

The workshop will be held at LUMS, Lahore. The workshop will be fully residential and organizers will provide accommodation and meals for the duration of the workshop, necessary course materials and reasonable travel claims on the basis of actual expenses to the participants.