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Swiss National Science Foundation: Research Collaboration with South Africa

The Swiss National Science Foundation announces the South African Joint Research Program (SSAJRP), which is funded through Swiss bilateral programs with the BRICS countries.

The Swiss National Science Foundation announces the South African Joint Research Program (SSAJRP), which is funded through Swiss bilateral programs with the BRICS countries.

The thematic areas for support in SSAJRP include biomedicine, biotechnology, green technology, and clean technology -- among others. Grants on the Swiss side are up to CHF230 thousand for projects of three years.

Proposals are to be jointly prepared by Swiss and South African applicants, and must be submitted by the Swiss Principal Investigators to the Swiss National Science Foundation via its electronic submission platform. South African partners can access the platform through their Swiss partner.

The webpage for this call provides a detailed description. The application deadline is 28 February 2013.