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U.S. Department of Agriculture -- U.S. Scientific Exchange with China 2013

The USDA invites applications from teams of U.S. agricultural scientists to participate in the Scientific Cooperative Exchange Program with China. Teams can be up to five members from academic, public, and private institutions. Priority focus areas are new animal bio-technologies, crop breeding for drought tolerance, management of pesticide residue, swine genetics, and Ug99 - black stem rust. The application deadline is 12 March 2013.

The USDA invites applications from teams of U.S. agricultural scientists to participate in the Scientific Cooperative Exchange Program with China. Teams can be up to five members from academic, public, and private institutions. Priority focus areas are new animal bio-technologies, crop breeding for drought tolerance, management of pesticide residue, swine genetics, and Ug99 - black stem rust. The application deadline is 12 March 2013.