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Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) - Research in Bio-Based Economy, Netherlands and Brazil

The NWO (Netherlands) and FASEP (São Paulo region, Brazil) are collaborating in research on four topics related to the bio-based economy: crop improvement, sustainable agriculture, biorefinery processes, and hybrid catalytic conversion of biomass. Applications for grants are welcomed from researchers in the Netherlands and São Paulo to support research exchanges, workshops, equipment, and consumables. The application deadline is 23 May 2013.

The NWO (Netherlands) and FASEP (São Paulo region, Brazil) are collaborating in research on four topics related to the bio-based economy: crop improvement, sustainable agriculture, biorefinery processes, and hybrid catalytic conversion of biomass. Applications for grants are welcomed from researchers in the Netherlands and São Paulo to support research exchanges, workshops, equipment, and consumables. The application deadline is 23 May 2013.