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Inter-American Development Bank -- Japan Special Fund for Poverty Reduction (JPO)

Through the JPO, the IDB supports well-targeted poverty reduction and social development activities in Latin America and the Caribbean.  Eligible sectors include nutrition, water and sanitation, environment, and prevention of natural disasters (among others).  The program is open to local and international civil society organizations legally incorporated in any of IDB's 26 borrowing-member countries. The deadline for applications is 15 May 2013. 

Through the JPO, the IDB supports well-targeted poverty reduction and social development activities in Latin America and the Caribbean.  Eligible sectors include nutrition, water and sanitation, environment, and prevention of natural disasters (among others).  The program is open to local and international civil society organizations legally incorporated in any of IDB's 26 borrowing-member countries. The deadline for applications is 15 May 2013.