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2014/2015 Australia Awards Opportunity for Africans

Australia Awards in Africa (AAA), an initiative of the Australian Government, is a pan-African program of development scholarships and fellowships that offers 1,000 postgraduate scholarships each year to eligible African professionals.

Australia is committed to developing the capacity and leadership skills of Africans to enable them to contribute effectively to development in their home countries. Over the past three years, the number of scholarships available for African professionals has increased ten-fold to a total of 1,000 development awards annually. One-quarter of all Australia’s development scholarships are now directed to Africa.

Africa Fellowships: (formerly called Short Course Awards) are available for studies in a range of priority sectors including Agriculture, Maternal and Child Health, Mining Governance and Public Policy. Studies are conducted at locations in Africa and in Australia for periods up to 3 months. Short course awards are available to eligible applicants from 51 African countries.


Australia Awards in Africa (AAA), an initiative of the Australian Government, is a pan-African program of development scholarships and fellowships that offers 1,000 postgraduate scholarships each year to eligible African professionals.

Australia is committed to developing the capacity and leadership skills of Africans to enable them to contribute effectively to development in their home countries. Over the past three years, the number of scholarships available for African professionals has increased ten-fold to a total of 1,000 development awards annually. One-quarter of all Australia’s development scholarships are now directed to Africa.

Award types include

Africa Fellowships: (formerly called Short Course Awards) are available for studies in a range of priority sectors including Agriculture, Maternal and Child Health, Mining Governance and Public Policy. Studies are conducted at locations in Africa and in Australia for periods up to 3 months. Short course awards are available to eligible applicants from 51 African countries.

Long-Term Awards: are postgraduate scholarships that lead to an academic qualification from an Australian university in areas including agriculture and food security. For studies commencing in 2014, Long-Term Awards are available to eligible applicants from 28 African countries. 

Eligible African Countries

Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Cape Verde, Comoros, Congo(Republic of), Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome & Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia

For more details on contry-specific information, go the award website, click on map of Africa and your country of origin. 

Application and deadlines

The website will accept applications for Masters, PhDs and Fellowships over the following dates:

  • 2015 Masters Awards open from 1 Sept - 13 December
  • 2014 Fellowships (short courses) open from 1 Sept - 17 January
  • 2015 Agriculture PhDs will be open from 1 Sept - 28 February

Details on awards and how to apply: click here.