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University of California at Davis - Research in Agricultural Development

The University of California at Davis administers BASIS as a research program addressing questions of poverty, inequality, and development -- with emphasis on agriculture and rural livelihoods in the developing world. The program funds researchers from U.S. universities in partnership with researchers in the host countries.  The average grant size is expected to be about US$700 thousand for research projects of up to four years.  The next deadline for letters of intent is 15 November 2013. Click here for details and application.

The University of California at Davis administers BASIS as a research program addressing questions of poverty, inequality, and development -- with emphasis on agriculture and rural livelihoods in the developing world. The program funds researchers from U.S. universities in partnership with researchers in the host countries.  The average grant size is expected to be about US$700 thousand for research projects of up to four years.  The next deadline for letters of intent is 15 November 2013. Click here for details and application.