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University of Sussex -- MSc in 'Climate Change and Policy'

This masters is a unique, state of the art course, which provides students with the most current climate change knowledge available. It provides a rich learning experience, combining teaching by researchers from theworld-renowned Science and Technology Policy Research Unit (SPRU) and the School of Global Studies with professional training workshops, and guest seminars by a diverse range of speakers including researchers, policy makers and practitioners from across the profession.

The course is multidisciplinary covering both the science of climate change and social science dimensions of policy responses. Students acquire specialist knowledge of the causes of climate change, the consequences for our ‘life-support systems’ and the complex socio-economic and political dimensions of mitigation and adaptation policies from the local to the international level.

This masters is a unique, state of the art course, which provides students with the most current climate change knowledge available. It provides a rich learning experience, combining teaching by researchers from theworld-renowned Science and Technology Policy Research Unit (SPRU) and the School of Global Studies with professional training workshops, and guest seminars by a diverse range of speakers including researchers, policy makers and practitioners from across the profession.

The course is multidisciplinary covering both the science of climate change and social science dimensions of policy responses. Students acquire specialist knowledge of the causes of climate change, the consequences for our ‘life-support systems’ and the complex socio-economic and political dimensions of mitigation and adaptation policies from the local to the international level.

The course prepares students for employment within the rapidly expanding climate change profession. The graduates are highly marketable and are now influencing policy within international development organisations and agencies (including the UN), NGOs, national governments, and the private sector as well as offering consultancy services to a range of private and public organisations. This course offers students the opportunity to undertake their dissertation on a placement with a relevant organisation.

Check the link for  further information on the programme and on-line application process and Information on scholarships.

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