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New England Biolabs -- Funding for Grassroots Conservation

The New England Biolabs Foundation makes grants to grassroots and charitable organizations to support conservation of biological diversity; ecosystem services; community food security; and marine environment. The geographical scope focuses on Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras in the Gulf of Honduras; Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru in the Andean region; and Ghana and Cameroon in West Africa.  The Foundation occasionally makes grants in a few other countries where it has previous experience. Maximum grant size is US$10 thousand. In 2014, the deadlines for letters of inquiry (English, Spanish) are 07 March 2014 and 14 July 2014.

The New England Biolabs Foundation makes grants to grassroots and charitable organizations to support conservation of biological diversity; ecosystem services; community food security; and marine environment. The geographical scope focuses on Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras in the Gulf of Honduras; Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru in the Andean region; and Ghana and Cameroon in West Africa.  The Foundation occasionally makes grants in a few other countries where it has previous experience. Maximum grant size is US$10 thousand. In 2014, the deadlines for letters of inquiry (English, Spanish) are 07 March 2014 and 14 July 2014.