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Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) --Food and Business Global Challenges, Round 2

The Food and Business Global Challenges program defines two priority areas for research and innovation: inclusive business models for food security; and regional trade for food security. Proposals are invited from research teams and other public and private partners in the Netherlands and at least one low or middle-income country.

Within the call, two types of research funding are available: funding for Integrated Projects (IPs) and for Fast Track Research projects (FTR). IPs may have a duration of four to five years and a maximum budget of 600,000 euro. For FTR-projects, the maximum duration is two to three years with a maximum budget of 250,000 euro. Partners are required to provide co-funding of 20% of the total project budget, in cash and/or in kind. For IPs, preliminary proposals should be submitted to WOTRO before 8 July 2014. Full FTR-research proposals should be submitted before this deadline as well, but must be preceded by a Letter of Intent, for which the deadline is 8 June 2014.

The Food and Business Global Challenges program defines two priority areas for research and innovation: inclusive business models for food security; and regional trade for food security. Proposals are invited from research teams and other public and private partners in the Netherlands and at least one low or middle-income country.

Two types of funding

Within the call, two types of research funding are available: funding for Integrated Projects (IPs) and for Fast Track Research projects (FTR). IPs may have a duration of four to five years and a maximum budget of 600,000 euro. For FTR-projects, the maximum duration is two to three years with a maximum budget of 250,000 euro. Partners are required to provide co-funding of 20% of the total project budget, in cash and/or in kind. For IPs, preliminary proposals should be submitted to WOTRO before 8 July 2014. Full FTR-research proposals should be submitted before this deadline as well, but must be preceded by a Letter of Intent, for which the deadline is 8 June 2014.

To apply for funding visit GCP Funding page.