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CRDF Global -- Biosciences Research in Iraq

The Iraq Biosciences Research Grant Competition aims to build the capacity of government laboratories in Iraq to detect, diagnose, and report infectious diseases of humans and animals caused by pathogens of security concern.  Grants are up to US$50 thousand for research projects of one year.  The principal investigator of each project must be a citizen or legal permanent resident of Iraq.


The Iraq Biosciences Research Grant Competition aims to build the capacity of government laboratories in Iraq to detect, diagnose, and report infectious diseases of humans and animals caused by pathogens of security concern.  Grants are up to US$50 thousand for research projects of one year.  The principal investigator of each project must be a citizen or legal permanent resident of Iraq.

Research areas

  • Modern diagnostic techniques for pathogens of security concern
  • Detection, diagnosis and reporting of human, animal and zoonotic diseases of security concern
  • Epidemiological surveillance, reporting and analysis of human and animal diseases of security concern
  • Application and institutionalization of internationally accepted principles and best practices of biosafety, biosecurity and bioethics
  • Application and institutionalization of One Health principles and approaches


The deadline for proposals application form submission (Arabic, English) is 15 May 2014.