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Scottish Government -- Improved Water Management to Address Climate Change in Africa

The Climate Justice Fund of the Scottish Government makes grants supporting the development of climate adaptation solutions in Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia.  Projects should focus on improved water management as an adaptive strategy.  Grants of  £400 thousand to £500 thousand or more will be awarded over a two-year period.  Priority is for projects that create links between communities in Scotland and climate-vulnerable communities in Africa, and that address climate justice through a human-rights based approach  The application deadline is 16 June 2014. 

The Climate Justice Fund of the Scottish Government makes grants supporting the development of climate adaptation solutions in Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia.  Projects should focus on improved water management as an adaptive strategy.  Grants of  £400 thousand to £500 thousand or more will be awarded over a two-year period.  Priority is for projects that create links between communities in Scotland and climate-vulnerable communities in Africa, and that address climate justice through a human-rights based approach  The application deadline is 16 June 2014.