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U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) -- Sustainable Fisheries Management in Ghana

USAID-Accra will fund a 5-year program addressing the over-exploitation of marine resources in Ghana.   The program will work to improve policies, laws, and institutions affecting marine fisheries; increase the use of science and research for decision making; raise awareness about the depleted condition of Ghana's fisheries; and work with partners for implementation of fisheries reforms.  Eligibility for funding extends to qualified U.S. and non-U.S. organizations. Funding Opportunity RFA-641-14-000005.   The closing date for applications is 09 July 2014. 

USAID-Accra will fund a 5-year program addressing the over-exploitation of marine resources in Ghana.   The program will work to improve policies, laws, and institutions affecting marine fisheries; increase the use of science and research for decision making; raise awareness about the depleted condition of Ghana's fisheries; and work with partners for implementation of fisheries reforms.  Eligibility for funding extends to qualified U.S. and non-U.S. organizations. Funding Opportunity RFA-641-14-000005.   The closing date for applications is 09 July 2014.