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International Climate Initiative 2015 calls for projects in developing countries


The International Climate Initiative (IKI) supports projects in developing countries and emerging economies, and countries in transition. It consists of four areas of support:
Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions
Adapting to the impacts of climate change
Conserving natural carbon sinks with a focus on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+)
Conserving biological diversity
Information on IKI
The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) principally selects projects for IKI funding through a call for proposals.
You can find the Information on support for projects under the International Climate Initiative for the selection procedure 2015 (planned project start from 2015 at the earliest) as well as the IKI template for project outlines (version 6.0) in the right margin of this page. Outlines may be submitted only electronically to the e-mail address of the Programme Office until 25 June 2014, 24:00 (Central European Time, CET).
Project outlines which are received after the deadline (25 June 2014, 24:00 (CET)), do not satisfy the format requirements (IKI template for project outlines; version 6.0; excel-file with file suffix .xlsx or .xls), are incomplete or were not submitted by the designated means (via e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) will not be considered for the subsequent selection procedure.
The projects are based on the needs of partner countries and supplement existing multilateral and bilateral cooperation with the German Government. They support partners primarily through technology cooperation, policy advice and capacity development, the preparation of studies and strategies, and the implementation of measures for climate protection and conserving biodiversity.


The International Climate Initiative is open to a broad range of participants from Germany and abroad. It supports projects carried out in partner countries by federal implementing agencies, NGOs, business enterprises, universities and research institutes, and by international and multinational organisations and institutions, e.g. development banks and United Nations bodies and programmes.


The selection process consists of two steps:


BMUB normally issues an annual call for proposals along with the corresponding support information. Those interested can submit project outlines in German or English within a set deadline. These must be prepared using the project outline templates available on the IKI website. BMUB evaluates all project outlines in this format that are complete and were submitted to the IKI Programme Office in time. The Ministry makes its selection based on the funds available and seeks the approval of other relevant ministries. Applicants will be informed in writing of the evaluation result.


In the second step, applicants whose projects were selected will be requested in writing to submit a formal funding application and will receive the necessary templates and instructions. BMUB evaluates the project applications received and then makes the decision on funding. If a project requires a letter of political support from the partner country or guarantees under international law, this will have an effect on the project's start date.


International Climate Initiative Programme Office 
Potsdamer Platz 10 
10785 Berlin
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +49 (0)30 338 424 - 218
Fax: +49 (0)30 338 424 - 302