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Future for Nature Foundation -- Future for Nature Award 2015

The Future for Nature Award recognizes internationally outstanding efforts to conserve wild animals and plants. Work related to endangered species (IUCN's Red List) is a priority. Candidates for the award should be no older than age 35. The Award offers international recognition, financial support, and reinforced linkages to an international conservation network. 

The following main criteria will be used in the Selection Process for the Future for Nature Award:

The Future for Nature Award recognizes internationally outstanding efforts to conserve wild animals and plants. Work related to endangered species (IUCN's Red List) is a priority. Candidates for the award should be no older than age 35. The Award offers international recognition, financial support, and reinforced linkages to an international conservation network. 

Application Criteria

The following main criteria will be used in the Selection Process for the Future for Nature Award:

  • The candidate should not be older than 35 years on 30th of April 2015, i.e. born after 30th of April 1980.
  • The candidate has achieved substantial and long term benefit to the conservation status of one or more animal and / or plant species or that of a specific population of one or more animal and / or plant species.
  • The candidate has demonstrated leadership and entrepreneurship in his / her conservation work.
  • The candidate has been creative and innovative in his / her work.
  • The main approaches in his/her work have proven to be cost-effective.
  • Work related to the conservation and protection of endangered species (IUCN’s Red List) is given priority.
  • The candidate must be determined to continue his / her conservation work. The Award aims to stimulate the work of the winners. It is not an “end of career” prize.
  • Winners must participate in the Future for Nature Award event, Sponsor Market and the Award event itself at Royal Burgers’ Zoo, Arnhem, the Netherlands. The event will take place in April 2015. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered by the Future for Nature Foundation.
  • The prize must be used for a conservation project (of the winners’ own choice).

Application Form | Selection Process

The application deadline is 15 September 2014.