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Agropolis Foundation - Open Science Research

The Agropolis Foundation (France) promotes interdisciplinary and integrated plant biology, ecology, and sustainable agriculture addressing development issues in the global North and South. The call for Open Science Research promotes collaborative inquiry on scientific topics involving a range of actors. 

Up to €2 million is available to fund full projects; to twin post-docs in collaboration with the CGIAR; to support small initiatives (e.g., small exploratory, proof-of-concept studies); and to support proposal development for international projects.  Lead applicants for grants should be from any of the 36 research units in the Foundation's scientific network.  The deadline for applications (French, English) is 15 September 2014.   

The Agropolis Foundation (France) promotes interdisciplinary and integrated plant biology, ecology, and sustainable agriculture addressing development issues in the global North and South. The call for Open Science Research promotes collaborative inquiry on scientific topics involving a range of actors. 

Up to €2 million is available to fund full projects; to twin post-docs in collaboration with the CGIAR; to support small initiatives (e.g., small exploratory, proof-of-concept studies); and to support proposal development for international projects.  Lead applicants for grants should be from any of the 36 research units in the Foundation's scientific network.  The deadline for applications (French, English) is 15 September 2014.