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#IUFRO2014 Blog Competition

Ahead of the upcoming IUFRO World Congress, we want to provide a platform for you to showcase your work and enter for a chance to win a cash prize of $500 USD! We know that there is a lot of interesting work being conducted around the world and that a lot of this work flies “under the radar”. This is your chance to bring awareness to your research or project and showcase its importance to the global forest community.

For full details see our information page on How to Enter and Win.

Ahead of the upcoming IUFRO World Congress, we want to provide a platform for you to showcase your work and enter for a chance to win a cash prize of $500 USD! We know that there is a lot of interesting work being conducted around the world and that a lot of this work flies “under the radar”. This is your chance to bring awareness to your research or project and showcase its importance to the global forest community.

Here is what we would like you to do:

  • Write a blog article of max 750 words that introduces your research, latest initiative, or project and how it relates to the IUFRO2014 Congress Theme — Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People – The Role of Research.
  • Forests and trees provide a wide range of environmental, economic, social, and cultural benefits to people in rural communities and urban centers worldwide. Ensure that you capture their importance as well as the importance of your work in your submission.
  • Find a great picture to go with it.
  • Email the blog post and picture to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For full details see our information page on How to Enter and Win.

Here is what we will do for you:

  • We will publish your blog post and photo on the #IUFRO2014 blog, and possibly other online media.
  • We will spread your post through our large social media network bringing eyes from around the world to your work.
  • And your blog post will be entered into the #IUFRO2014 Blog Competition

A competition?

  • Every blog post will automatically be entered into an online competition: The online public will be able to vote for your blog post – which will depend on WHAT you write about, and HOW you present it.
  • Be creative, engaging, interesting and show your passion for the subject. Raise problems, questions, and showcase your knowledge. We’re looking for blog posts that will spread the word about IUFRO2014 and the research being presented at it to the biggest possible audience that you can reach.
  • The winners of the #IUFRO2014 Blog Competition will be announced at the upcoming IUFRO World Congress.
  • Writer of the best blog post, will receive a cash prize of USD500. The writers of the second and third most popular blog posts will receive a certificate and signed copy of the new book, “Forests and Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development“, a $145.00 value.

Have more questions? Read our Competition FAQs.

Make it thrilling!

  • Remember: we want blog posts. We are not looking for dissertations, or abstracts.
  • We are looking for inspiring stories and enticing enthusiasm about the current achievements and future potentials of forest research.
  • As the online community will judge your post, not only on the content, but also HOW it is presented, keep these simple tips on “How to write a good blogpost” in mind.

Some technical details:

  • Your blog post should be maximum 750 words, and can be written in English, Spanish, or French.
  • Once published, the blog post will not be edited for corrections
  • Your blog post needs to be submitted in a .doc or .docx file.
  • The blog post should NOT contain any formatting, nor any pictures
  • The main picture should be attached to the email, as a separate file. The picture should be of good quality, and preferably 600 px wide.
  • The caption for the picture should be included with your submission.
  • The credits for the picture should be included in the submission too. Please do not use pictures with a copyright, unless if you have permission to use the picture from the copyright holder
  • If you are unable to find an appropriate picture, we will use a generic picture from our photo library
  • It is advised to embed links in your blog post, to illustrate “further reading” or reference material
  • The blog post should contain your title, name, email address, mailing address, city and country (and if appropriate, the name of your company/institute/organisation and your function)

For full details on how to submit your posting see our Submissions Guideline Page.

What are we looking for again?

We want blog posts to showcase the Congress theme“Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People – The Role of Research”, illustrating the importance, and future potential of your work. We want to showcase the importance of the research being conducted around the world and the role it plays in sustaining the forests and people across the globe.

Deadline for submissions

The blog posts and pictures can be submitted as of now until September 30th.  Remember, the earlier you submit, the more online votes you can get.

Submissions and further inquiries: Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We will acknowledge every blog post submission by email.

Ensure you read the Competitions 

Terms and Conditions.