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UNESCO -- Michael Batisse Award for Biosphere Reserve Management 2015

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) sponsors this award for outstanding achievements in biosphere reserve management. The award is US$6 thousand and international travel and allowances in Paris to present the winning case study to the MAB-ICC session.

Case studies must be submitted each year during which a MAB-ICC session is due to be convened. All case studies must be submitted through, and have the endorsement of, the respective MAB National Committees, and/or the UNESCO National Commissions of the country concerned.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) sponsors this award for outstanding achievements in biosphere reserve management. The award is US$6 thousand and international travel and allowances in Paris to present the winning case study to the MAB-ICC session.

Case studies must be submitted each year during which a MAB-ICC session is due to be convened. All case studies must be submitted through, and have the endorsement of, the respective MAB National Committees, and/or the UNESCO National Commissions of the country concerned.

  • Title of the scheme: Michel Batisse Award for Biosphere Reserve Management
  • Award amount: US$ 6,000 plus international travel and allowances in Paris, France, to present the award winning case study to the MAB-ICC session.
  • Periodicity of awards: Every year at the time of the MAB-ICC
  • Responsibility for technical review of proposals received and recommending the award winner for consideration and approval by the MAB Bureau: International Advisory Committee for Biosphere Reserves
  • Language for submission of case studies: English and French
  • Process for submitting applications: Each country can submit one case study on biosphere reserve management, not exceeding a maximum of 30 pages (20 pages recommended) and appropriately illustrated with scientific data, figures and tables, photographs and other supporting documentation.

The deadline for submitting case studies (English or French) is 31 October 2014.