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Graça Machel Scholarships for Women

In partnership with the Graça Machel Trust, we award this scholarship on an annual basis.  

To apply for a scholarship under this programme you must be:

In partnership with the Graça Machel Trust, we award this scholarship on an annual basis.  

Are you eligible?

To apply for a scholarship under this programme you must be:

  • Female
  • A national of and normally resident in one of the SADC countries: Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe
  • In possession of a good first degree (minimum second class, upper division or equivalent) or about to graduate in the year of application
  • Studying or applying to study at a South African university

Please consult the Graça Machel Scholarships for Women Guidance Notes for details.

What we offer

Full tuition, stipend and other support for Honours, masters and PhD study at South African universities.

How to apply

The application process is now open and will close at 3 pm BST on 28 July 2014 for study commencing in 2015. Applicants must apply to their chosen universities separately and awards are conditional on the applicant being offered a place at the relevant university.

This scholarship is generously funded by The Sol Plaatje Trust, MacSteel International and others.