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Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research - Food and Business Applied Research, 2nd Call for Proposals

The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (WOTRO) manages the Food & Business Applied Research Fund to provide grants to demand-driven applied research that contributes to innovation for food security in developing countries.

The program is active in the 15 partner countries of Dutch development cooperation: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda, and Yemen. The Fund invites applications by consortia consisting of at least one practitioner organization (i.e. companies, NGOs, governmental organizations) from a partner country, and one research or higher education organization.

The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (WOTRO) manages the Food & Business Applied Research Fund to provide grants to demand-driven applied research that contributes to innovation for food security in developing countries.

The program is active in the 15 partner countries of Dutch development cooperation: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda, and Yemen. The Fund invites applications by consortia consisting of at least one practitioner organization (i.e. companies, NGOs, governmental organizations) from a partner country, and one research or higher education organization.

At least one Dutch partner is required in the consortium. Grants range from €50 thousand (for six months) to a maximum of €300 thousand (for 36 months).