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International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) - Evaluating the Regional Food Security Program of the West African Development Bank

3ie invites qualifying research teams to submit their qualifications to review and evaluate the regional food security program of the West African Development Bank. In the first phase, 3ie will award a proposal preparation grant of US$30 thousand.

Proposals received in the first phase will reviewed and scored according to 3ie’s selection criteria, and will be considered for evaluation grants in the second phase. The lead applying organizations and principal investigators must be located in West Africa. 

3ie invites qualifying research teams to submit their qualifications to review and evaluate the regional food security program of the West African Development Bank. In the first phase, 3ie will award a proposal preparation grant of US$30 thousand.

Proposals received in the first phase will reviewed and scored according to 3ie’s selection criteria, and will be considered for evaluation grants in the second phase. The lead applying organizations and principal investigators must be located in West Africa.