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French Institute for Development Research (IRD) - International Short Course in Madagascar on Reef Vulnerability

IRD is partnering with Madagascar's Institute of Fisheries and Marine Sciences to offer an interdisciplinary short course in late October 2014 on the theme of reef vulnerability.

The program is open to Francophone doctorates and post-doctorates, with priority for individuals from island states of the Indian Ocean. The program will cover the lodging costs of 20 participants and the transportation costs of 15 participants.

IRD is partnering with Madagascar's Institute of Fisheries and Marine Sciences to offer an interdisciplinary short course in late October 2014 on the theme of reef vulnerability.

The program is open to Francophone doctorates and post-doctorates, with priority for individuals from island states of the Indian Ocean. The program will cover the lodging costs of 20 participants and the transportation costs of 15 participants.