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Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) - Research on Sustainable Mariculture in the Western Indian Ocean

WIOMSA calls for research proposals on “Mariculture Growth for Income Generation, Employment, and Food Security in the Western Indian Ocean Region." Grants will support (i) An institutional framework for sustainable mariculture development, and (ii) Sustainable mariculture technologies.

Proposals can be submitted by an institution, or a consortium of institutions, led by a scientist in the Western Indian Ocean region. Grants are up to US$250 thousand over two years for framework development, and up to US$450 thousand over three years for mariculture technologies. Matching funds of at least 20% are required. 

WIOMSA calls for research proposals on “Mariculture Growth for Income Generation, Employment, and Food Security in the Western Indian Ocean Region." Grants will support (i) An institutional framework for sustainable mariculture development, and (ii) Sustainable mariculture technologies.

Proposals can be submitted by an institution, or a consortium of institutions, led by a scientist in the Western Indian Ocean region. Grants are up to US$250 thousand over two years for framework development, and up to US$450 thousand over three years for mariculture technologies. Matching funds of at least 20% are required.