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Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) - Ocean Research Cruises

JAMSTEC is planning long-term multidisciplinary research cruises during the period 2016 to 2019. It calls for pre-proposals from qualified researchers that require at least 100 days at sea to complete. Thematic areas are submarine resources; ocean and global environmental change; ocean seismological zones; marine biosciences; and development and utilization of advanced research technologies.

The program is open to universities and research institutes in Japan and worldwide. JAMSTEC will cover the costs of operating its ships and the basic equipment fixed on board, but other costs have to be paid by the research participants themselves. 

JAMSTEC is planning long-term multidisciplinary research cruises during the period 2016 to 2019. It calls for pre-proposals from qualified researchers that require at least 100 days at sea to complete. Thematic areas are submarine resources; ocean and global environmental change; ocean seismological zones; marine biosciences; and development and utilization of advanced research technologies.

The program is open to universities and research institutes in Japan and worldwide. JAMSTEC will cover the costs of operating its ships and the basic equipment fixed on board, but other costs have to be paid by the research participants themselves.