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Louis Malassis Prize for Agriculture and Food 2015

Agropolis Foundation created the Louis MALASSIS International Scientific Prize for Agriculture and Food in order to recognize individuals, or a group of individuals, for their exemplary and promising contribution in promoting innovation through research, development and capacity-building in the North, South or in the Mediterranean region in order to improve food and agricultural systems sustainability as well as contribute to addressing food security and poverty reduction. The Prize consists of the three categories, namely Louis Malassis Distinguished Scientist Prize, Louis Malassis Young Promising Scientist Prize, and Louis Malassis Outstanding Career in Agricultural Development Prize. 

Agropolis Foundation created the Louis MALASSIS International Scientific Prize for Agriculture and Food in order to recognize individuals, or a group of individuals, for their exemplary and promising contribution in promoting innovation through research, development and capacity-building in the North, South or in the Mediterranean region in order to improve food and agricultural systems sustainability as well as contribute to addressing food security and poverty reduction. The Prize consists of the three categories, namely Louis Malassis Distinguished Scientist Prize, Louis Malassis Young Promising Scientist Prize, and Louis Malassis Outstanding Career in Agricultural Development Prize. 


Deadline for submission of applications: 4 December 2014more