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International DAAD-Alumni-Seminar “Quality management along organic agri-value chains in developing countries – production, post-harvest technology, processing, marketing and trade“

The University of Kassel and the German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture (DITSL) in Witzenhausen announce the International DAAD-Alumni-Seminar “Quality management along organic agri-value chains in developing countries –production, post-harvest technology, processing, marketing and trade“ held February, 2nd 2015 (arrival date) to February, 10th 2015 (departure date to Nürnberg) in Witzenhausen, Germany followed by a visit to the world's leading trade fair for organic products “BIOFACH 2015” February 11th - 13th 2015 in Nürnberg, Germany (departure date from Germany is February 14th).

The program is organized and hosted by the Department of Agricultural Engineering in the Tropics and Subtropics of the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences of the University of Kassel (Prof.Dr. Oliver Hensel, and DITSL Witzenhausen ( in close cooperation with the Department of Organic Food Quality and Food Culture of the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences of the University of Kassel (Prof. Dr. Angelika Ploeger) with financial support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

The University of Kassel and the German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture (DITSL) in Witzenhausen announce the International DAAD-Alumni-Seminar “Quality management along organic agri-value chains in developing countries –production, post-harvest technology, processing, marketing and trade“ held February, 2nd 2015 (arrival date) to February, 10th 2015 (departure date to Nürnberg) in Witzenhausen, Germany followed by a visit to the world's leading trade fair for organic products “BIOFACH 2015” February 11th - 13th 2015 in Nürnberg, Germany (departure date from Germany is February 14th).

The program is organized and hosted by the Department of Agricultural Engineering in the Tropics and Subtropics of the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences of the University of Kassel (Prof.Dr. Oliver Hensel, and DITSL Witzenhausen ( in close cooperation with the Department of Organic Food Quality and Food Culture of the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences of the University of Kassel (Prof. Dr. Angelika Ploeger) with financial support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

The seminar targets German university alumni from developing countries (DAC country nationals) who are professionally involved in production, handling, transport, processing, marketing, certification, accreditation or legislation in the field of organic agriculture and in the framework of rural or urban, public or private sector development, and/or who are working for public bodies or private enterprises, academic, educational or development organizations. Participants should be multipliers in a position to spread the acquired knowledge and experience and/or take decisions on implementation.

The seminar will promote exchange between the participants in the field of organic production and produces, facilitate international scientific cooperation and qualify the participants in the field of quality management along organic agri-value chains. The seminar will foster exchange of experiences, establishment of international networks between the participants, scientific discourse on organic agri-value chains, and international academic cooperation in this field. It will stimulate and promote ideas for joint research, strategy development and knowledge transfer.

The Topics

The main topics covered during the seminar are:

  • Principles of organic agriculture (production and processing of organic products)
  • Status-quo and capacity analysis of organic agri-value chains in participants home countries
  • Agricultural value chains in developing countries – reduction of losses (volume/quality/value) and opportunities for additional value creation
  • International standards for organic products
  • Local and national Standards for organic products in participants home countries and strategies for export market access
  • Quality of organic products – methods of quality assessments (laboratory measurements, sensor technology)
  • Standards for food safety and quality management systems
  • Marketing of organic products – regional and international value chains and the organization of smallholders in developing countries
  • Business plan development for enterprises within the organic sector


Eligible for participation are:

  • German university alumni from developing countries (DAC country nationals) who have stayed in Germany for at least three months for study or research purposes and are:
  • Residents of DAC-countries and are:
  • Working in the field of organic production, marketing, certification or similar disciplines and are:
  • Multipliers, e.g. people who are in a position to spread the acquired knowledge and experience
  • Women are encouraged to apply!


Send your application via email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The organization team
Mrs. Vera Sternitzke
Mr. Markus Frank
DITSL Witzenhausen
Steinstrasse 19, 37213 Witzenhausen, Germany
Fax: +49 (0) 5542 607 32
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.