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Nestlé Creating Shared Value Prize 2016: Grants for Nutrition, Water & Rural Development

Nestlé is now accepting applications for the 2016 Nestlé Creating Shared Value Prize to provide financial grants of up to USD 540,000 for innovative projects, programmes or businesses that have already been tested as a pilot or small scale, have demonstrated high social and environmental impact, and need support to become commercially viable.

There are three categories of funding

Nestlé is now accepting applications for the 2016 Nestlé Creating Shared Value Prize to provide financial grants of up to USD 540,000 for innovative projects, programmes or businesses that have already been tested as a pilot or small scale, have demonstrated high social and environmental impact, and need support to become commercially viable.

There are three categories of funding

  1. Rural Development: sustainable agriculture, development of local value chains and extension services etc.
  2. Water: improving access to clean water; protection and conservation of water resources: water, sanitation and hygiene etc.
  3. Nutrition: improving access to food; food fortification and technology; nutrition education programmes etc.

The prize invests financial and technical resources in the winning initiatives, with the objective of helping them be brought to scale and to achieve financial sustainability. The winners share a total of CHF 500,000 in prize money (approx. USD 540,000).

The Nestlé Creating Shared Value Prize is international in scope.

Entities may reside in any country in the world and cover programmes implemented in low, middle and high-income countries that benefit underserved parts of the community.

The Nestlé Prize timeline is as follows

  • 15 October 2014 – 28 February 2015: Nomination period
  • March – September 2015: Review of nominations
  • September – October 2015: The Creating Shared Value Council may request additional information from nominees
  • 2016: Public announcement of the Nestlé Prize Winner