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Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP) Scholarships

If you are about to enroll in or conduct your Ph.D. research, you could be part of a new generation of rice scientists with a Global Rice Science Scholarship (GRiSS).The GRiSS offers young scientists the chance to be experts in a scientific discipline relevant to agriculture and to have a broader understanding of global issues that affect rice science for development.

The GRiSS is a great opportunity for scientists who are in the early stages of their career and are working in a national agricultural research and extension system in a developing country.

If you are about to enroll in or conduct your Ph.D. research, you could be part of a new generation of rice scientists with a Global Rice Science Scholarship (GRiSS).The GRiSS offers young scientists the chance to be experts in a scientific discipline relevant to agriculture and to have a broader understanding of global issues that affect rice science for development.

The GRiSS is a great opportunity for scientists who are in the early stages of their career and are working in a national agricultural research and extension system in a developing country.

All GRiSS are awarded on a competitive basis for developed- and developing-country candidate participation. A Selection Committee composed of the head of training or his or her counterpart from the research institution involved, the head of the research unit and program involved, and concerned scientists will evaluate candidates based on the following eligibility requirements.Research topics, host institutes, and contact information

How to apply

  • Select the GRiSP theme of interest. (Themes are listed below).
  • Select the particular research topic that you are interested in pursuing.
  • Click on ‘Apply now.

Research topics, host institutes, and contact information

The GRISS program is part of the Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP). A total of 52 research topics that fall under the six GRiSP research themes are offered as options for Ph.D. scholarships. The description of each research topic expounds on research content and identifies the host institute for the research as well as the contact information. Interested parties are encouraged to find out more by sending inquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Theme 1: Harnessing genetic diversity to chart new productivity, quality, and health horizons
  • Theme 2: Accelerating the development, delivery, and adoption of improved rice varieties
  • Combination of themes 1 and 2
  • Theme 3: Ecological and sustainable management of rice-based production systems
  • Combination of themes 1 and 3
  • Combination of themes 2 and 3
  • Theme 4: Extracting more value from rice harvests through improved quality, processing, market systems and new products
  • Theme 5: Technology evaluations, targeting and policy options for enhanced impact
  • Theme 6: Supporting the growth of the global rice sector
  • A topic that cuts across all six themes

Eligibility requirements for GRiSS

All applicants must:

  • be involved in a field of rice science and related systems research
  • be willing to work on any of the identified areas for the Ph.D. research
  • be highly qualified well-rounded rice scientists from the public or private sector
  • have gained admission to an approved course in a university, have finished all Ph.D. coursework requirements, and/or be able to complete university registration within a minimal time
  • be endorsed by his or her university supervisor (if already enrolled and applying for a sandwich program)
  • possess adequate proficiency in the English language
  • not be more than 35 years old at the time of application

Scholarship benefits

  • Round-trip airfare and research-related travel expenses
  • Monthly stipend with local medical and accident insurance
  • Research support
  • Funding for leadership and professional development
  • University fees (with an upper limit)

Potential applicants may seek co-funding for their research and study fees from different sources and gain more flexibility in their choice of university.


Only applications with a complete set of documents will be processed.

Candidates applying as a member of a national agricultural research and extension system or NARES (public, private, or civil society) must demonstrate clear engagement in and contributions to rice research upon return to their home institution or company.

Applicants will be informed of the status of their applications.

For more information, you may email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

GRiSS falls under the framework of the Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP), a single strategic goal and work plan for global rice research. GRiSP is led by IRRI and involves other centers under the CGIAR.