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U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) -- Conserving Biodiversity in Brazil's Amazon

USAID and the government of Brazil aim to support advances in biodiversity monitoring and inventories as a means to strengthen the management of protected areas in Brazil's Amazon region. The call is for partners experienced in participatory monitoring and management of natural resources with local communities and indigenous peoples; biodiversity inventories in remote areas; bridging scientific knowledge to policy; and other qualifications. Funding Opportunity BAA-BCA-BRAZIL-2015 (Addendum 1). The deadline for expressions of interest (Portuguese, English) is 13 February 2015.

USAID and the government of Brazil aim to support advances in biodiversity monitoring and inventories as a means to strengthen the management of protected areas in Brazil's Amazon region. The call is for partners experienced in participatory monitoring and management of natural resources with local communities and indigenous peoples; biodiversity inventories in remote areas; bridging scientific knowledge to policy; and other qualifications. Funding Opportunity BAA-BCA-BRAZIL-2015 (Addendum 1). The deadline for expressions of interest (Portuguese, English) is 13 February 2015.