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Livelihoods Fund -- Carbon Credits to Fund Rural Energy

The Livelihoods Fund uses carbon credits to finance projects in reforestation, sustainable farming, and clean energy in developing countries. The Fund is currently looking for a new rural energy project to support in Africa, Asia, or Latin America. It seeks a large-scale community project that brings tangible and sustainable social and environmental benefits to smallholders, and that is or can be made eligible for carbon credits. The project to be chosen should be implemented by the local community with the support of a local NGO.

The Livelihoods Fund uses carbon credits to finance projects in reforestation, sustainable farming, and clean energy in developing countries. The Fund is currently looking for a new rural energy project to support in Africa, Asia, or Latin America. It seeks a large-scale community project that brings tangible and sustainable social and environmental benefits to smallholders, and that is or can be made eligible for carbon credits. The project to be chosen should be implemented by the local community with the support of a local NGO.