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U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) -- Forest Incomes for Environmental Stability in Liberia

USAID-Liberia intends to support the development of forest-based enterprises in Liberia which provide economic opportunities for small holders and communities, and which combat deforestation and biodiversity loss.  Eligibility for funding is unrestricted. USAID intends to make one grant for a project period of five years. Funding Opportunity RFI-FIFES-LIBERIA. 

USAID-Liberia intends to support the development of forest-based enterprises in Liberia which provide economic opportunities for small holders and communities, and which combat deforestation and biodiversity loss.  Eligibility for funding is unrestricted. USAID intends to make one grant for a project period of five years. Funding Opportunity RFI-FIFES-LIBERIA.