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EC Research and Innovation -- Horizon 2020 for Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, and Bioeconomy

The European Commission's framework program for research and innovation (Horizon 2020) includes calls for research related to agriculture, forestry, fisheries, aquaculture, and bio-based industries. Each program area is structured in terms of specific research topics. 

Many calls require submission by partnerships, and the EC encourages international collaboration.  Eligibility for funding extends to EU member states; EU overseas countries and territories; H2020 associated countries; and most developing countries.  Horizon 2020 offers guidelines on how to participate, and how to search for partners.  The deadline for first-stage proposals is 03 February 2015. 

The European Commission's framework program for research and innovation (Horizon 2020) includes calls for research related to agriculture, forestry, fisheries, aquaculture, and bio-based industries. Each program area is structured in terms of specific research topics. 

Many calls require submission by partnerships, and the EC encourages international collaboration.  Eligibility for funding extends to EU member states; EU overseas countries and territories; H2020 associated countries; and most developing countries.  Horizon 2020 offers guidelines on how to participate, and how to search for partners.  The deadline for first-stage proposals is 03 February 2015.