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Online course on ICT4D

The last decade has seen a proliferation of technological initiatives aimed to tackle development issues.

The aid-for-development sector can benefit a lot from the use of ICTs, not only to speed up the process of social change in the Global South, but also to become more efficient, effective and transparent.

The last decade has seen a proliferation of technological initiatives aimed to tackle development issues.

The aid-for-development sector can benefit a lot from the use of ICTs, not only to speed up the process of social change in the Global South, but also to become more efficient, effective and transparent.

Apply now to understand the role and the impact of ICTs in the development process and to learn how to design a an effective ICT4D strategy by selecting the most appropriate technologies.


The course will benefit anyone operating in international settings in development, humanitarian aid and human rights: development practitioners, researchers and students.

Participants are required to understand spoken English as well as read and write it comfortably.


The course consists of 12 modules, with a variable number of sessions per module (one to three). Every session lasts about 90 minutes, starting at 6 PM UTC + 1 (Central European Time).

ICT4D leaders

Webinars will be conducted by a highly qualified ICT4D experts for each of the course topics. Such experts are practitioners and academics from different countries.

A course facilitator will monitor and support the learning process through the different modules.


Participants are required to attend live online sessions, during which they will interact with the webinar leader and other participants via chat, webcam and microphone.

The course has a strong collaborative nature, including activities such as peer-reviews and discussion groups to facilitate learning and knowledge exchange.

How to apply

There are 15 full scholarships available.

Who can apply?

1) development practitioners, researchers and students

2) proficiency English speakers

3) journalists and communication officers working in the field of communication for development

Applicants from Africa, Latin and South America, Eastern Europe, Asia have the priority.

Send your CV and motivation letter at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Your application will be formally examined by a jury of ICT experts and academics. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed for the final selection.