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Sir Partha Dasgupta Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Environment and Development Economics

In honor of Sir Partha Dasgupta's contribution to environmental and development economics, the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) offers a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Environment and Development Economics. The objective of the 2015 Fellowship is to provide young researchers with space and time to think and write about environment-development issues, including policy and program evaluation, game theory, welfare economics and sustainable development, and poverty and natural resource management, within the context of South Asia. 

The Fellowship will include: a) an internationally competitive honorarium for the duration of 9 months to cover living, accommodation, and related expenses in Nepal; b) economy-class return air fare; and c) shared desk space and related facilities in the SANDEE office.

In honor of Sir Partha Dasgupta's contribution to environmental and development economics, the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) offers a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Environment and Development Economics. The objective of the 2015 Fellowship is to provide young researchers with space and time to think and write about environment-development issues, including policy and program evaluation, game theory, welfare economics and sustainable development, and poverty and natural resource management, within the context of South Asia. 

The Fellowship will include: a) an internationally competitive honorarium for the duration of 9 months to cover living, accommodation, and related expenses in Nepal; b) economy-class return air fare; and c) shared desk space and related facilities in the SANDEE office.

The Fellowship is open to individuals with a recent Ph.D. (completed after January 2011) in Economics with demonstrated research potential and interest in environmental issues. The Fellowship can be used to finish work in progress or to start new research and is anticipated to result in a SANDEE Working Paper. Researchers are expected to spend approximately a quarter of their time participating in on-going SANDEE activities during their stay in Nepal. This may include reviewing manuscripts, making presentations on their work or helping with SANDEE research and training activities. 

Interested candidates are requested to submit their application by February 28, 2015 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by e-mail. Your application should include (i) a cover letter indicating your interest, relevance of your ongoing research work to the position, and period of availability, (ii) a description of your work plan (2-4 pages), and (iii) a CV indicating your academic progress, research publications and 2 references. Ideally, the fellowship will commence in June, 2015.


SANDEE is a regional research network whose mandate is to support research and training in environment and development economics in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. It is hosted by ICIMOD in Kathmandu, Nepal. Please find additional details about SANDEE at