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Oak Foundation -- Marine Conservation

This program makes grants in three different themes: (i) Marine reserves and sustainable economic development related to the Mesoamerican Reef; (ii) Ecosystem management of coastal and marine resources in the North Pacific and Arctic oceans; and (iii) Support for the European Common Fisheries Policy. Grants generally range from US$100 thousand to US$1 million, with a few grants that are larger. The program accepts letters of inquiry.  

This program makes grants in three different themes: (i) Marine reserves and sustainable economic development related to the Mesoamerican Reef; (ii) Ecosystem management of coastal and marine resources in the North Pacific and Arctic oceans; and (iii) Support for the European Common Fisheries Policy. Grants generally range from US$100 thousand to US$1 million, with a few grants that are larger. The program accepts letters of inquiry.