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Coca-Cola Foundation -- Community Support Includes Water Projects

The Coca-Cola Foundation’s priority areas for grant making are women, water, and well-being. In the subject area of water, the Foundation makes grants for access to clean water and sanitation; watershed management in water-stressed areas; multiple-use systems for water; and education and awareness in water conservation. Grants are to tax-exempt nonprofit charitable organizations. Grant seekers apply for cash grants or fund-raising sponsorships. Note: Coca-Cola’s regional and country foundations share in these global priorities and add others -- mainly in areas of education, health, and environment.   

The Coca-Cola Foundation’s priority areas for grant making are women, water, and well-being. In the subject area of water, the Foundation makes grants for access to clean water and sanitation; watershed management in water-stressed areas; multiple-use systems for water; and education and awareness in water conservation. Grants are to tax-exempt nonprofit charitable organizations. Grant seekers apply for cash grants or fund-raising sponsorships. Note: Coca-Cola’s regional and country foundations share in these global priorities and add others -- mainly in areas of education, health, and environment.