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Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) -- Urbanizing Deltas of the World

NWO's research program "Urbanising Deltas of the World" aims to contribute to global water safety, water and food security, and sustainable economic development in river deltas worldwide. Eligibility to participate extends to multi-country North-South consortia of research and non-research organizations, each led by a Dutch-based research organization. The maximum grant is €600 thousand for projects of up to five years.

NWO's research program "Urbanising Deltas of the World" aims to contribute to global water safety, water and food security, and sustainable economic development in river deltas worldwide. Eligibility to participate extends to multi-country North-South consortia of research and non-research organizations, each led by a Dutch-based research organization. The maximum grant is €600 thousand for projects of up to five years.