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Rufford Foundation -- Grants for Nature Conservation

The Rufford Foundation makes grants for nature conservation undertaken by small and medium-sized organizations for projects in the developing world. The Foundation prefers projects that are pragmatic, and that have a significant human element. There are no restrictions by nationality or country of residence. Grant applications are made in sequential stages: first grant, second grant, booster grants, and completion grant. Grants are up to £5 thousand each for a first grant and a second grant.

The Rufford Foundation makes grants for nature conservation undertaken by small and medium-sized organizations for projects in the developing world. The Foundation prefers projects that are pragmatic, and that have a significant human element. There are no restrictions by nationality or country of residence. Grant applications are made in sequential stages: first grant, second grant, booster grants, and completion grant. Grants are up to £5 thousand each for a first grant and a second grant.