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Call for Applications - 8th IPROMO course "Food Security on Mountain Areas"

The course will be held in Ormea and Edolo, both in northern Italy, for about 30/35 officers, researchers and technicians from all over the world, providing a technical and scientific overview of the issues related to food security and nutrition in mountain areas.

It will focus on several features of food security in mountains, looking at the prevailing mountain economic systems, the impact of global changes, the role of soils and water, gender, governance and land tenure issues, just to name a few.

The course will be held in Ormea and Edolo, both in northern Italy, for about 30/35 officers, researchers and technicians from all over the world, providing a technical and scientific overview of the issues related to food security and nutrition in mountain areas.

It will focus on several features of food security in mountains, looking at the prevailing mountain economic systems, the impact of global changes, the role of soils and water, gender, governance and land tenure issues, just to name a few.

As EXPO2015, whose focus is on nutrition, will take place in Milan, the participants will spend a day visiting EXPO and taking part in an event called “Rural mountain: worldwide EXtraordinary Potential”. The closing ceremony of the course will also take place at EXPO2015.

Structure and Venue

The activities will start on 23 June 2015 with an overview of the course and end on 3 July 2015 with a closing ceremony; the course will include lectures, seminars, group work and a field trip. The lecturers will be experts from the UN system, universities, international organizations and NGOs. As in previous years, the activities will be organized by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat,  FAO, the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Turin and the Centre of excellence "Mountain University " – (GESDIMONT) Milan University, with financial support from the City of Ormea and international organizations.


About 30 professionals will be admitted to the course and preference will be given to participants coming from countries and organizations which are members of the Mountain Partnership. This course is geared towards technical officers, hence applicants from the academic world will not be given priority. Participants from developing countries are encouraged to apply.

Those who are interested in participating can register online and upload their curriculum vitae as a Word or PDF file. Applicants can expect a reply by end of April 2015.


Excellent knowledge of English, a university degree preferably in a technical area such as Agriculture, Forestry, Biology, Geology or Geography, and relevant work experience are prerequisites.


The total cost of the course (inclusive of full board, accommodation, taxes, teaching equipment, internal transfers but excluding travel costs) is 3,000 Euros. Please note that scholarships will ONLY cover on-site costs (lodging and tuition) and are available for participants from developing countries. Travel cost will not be covered.