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Foundation Future of the Carbon Market -- Markets for Carbon Emissions

The Foundation “Future of the Carbon Market” (Stiftung Zukunft des Kohlenstoffmarktes) promotes a market-based approach at a program level to reduce carbon emissions in developing countries. The program approach relies on start-up finance generated by the sale of tradable emissions certificates, combined with national policies and incentives favorable to emissions reductions. The Foundation posts funding guidelines and application forms, one for funding through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and another for funding external to the CDM.

The Foundation “Future of the Carbon Market” (Stiftung Zukunft des Kohlenstoffmarktes) promotes a market-based approach at a program level to reduce carbon emissions in developing countries. The program approach relies on start-up finance generated by the sale of tradable emissions certificates, combined with national policies and incentives favorable to emissions reductions. The Foundation posts funding guidelines and application forms, one for funding through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and another for funding external to the CDM.