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ARPPIS-DAAD doctoral scholarships

The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), Kenya, in partnership with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) In-Country/In-Region Scholarships Programme and African university partners, requests applications for doctoral research scholarships in the African Regional Postgraduate Programme in Insect Sciences (ARPPIS).

icipe is an international scientific research institute, headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya that works towards improving lives and livelihoods of people in Africa. The centre’s main objective is to research and develop alternative and environmentally-friendly pest and vector management strategies that are effective, selective, non-polluting, non-resistance inducing, and which are affordable to resource-limited rural and urban communities. icipe's mandate also extends to the conservation and use of the rich insect biodiversity found in Africa. icipe works in a holistic and integrated approach through a 4-H paradigm - Human, Animal, Plant and Environmental Health - with the aim of improving the overall health of communities in tropical Africa by addressing the interlinked problems of poverty, poor health, low agricultural productivity and degradation of the environment (for more information go to

The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), Kenya, in partnership with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) In-Country/In-Region Scholarships Programme and African university partners, requests applications for doctoral research scholarships in the African Regional Postgraduate Programme in Insect Sciences (ARPPIS).

icipe is an international scientific research institute, headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya that works towards improving lives and livelihoods of people in Africa. The centre’s main objective is to research and develop alternative and environmentally-friendly pest and vector management strategies that are effective, selective, non-polluting, non-resistance inducing, and which are affordable to resource-limited rural and urban communities. icipe's mandate also extends to the conservation and use of the rich insect biodiversity found in Africa. icipe works in a holistic and integrated approach through a 4-H paradigm - Human, Animal, Plant and Environmental Health - with the aim of improving the overall health of communities in tropical Africa by addressing the interlinked problems of poverty, poor health, low agricultural productivity and degradation of the environment (for more information go to