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DAAD Scholarships MSc in Agribusiness and Rural Development

The M.Sc. Program International Agribusiness and Rural Development (IARD) is pleased to announce the call for applications for 2015. DAAD offers scholarships for applicants from Latin-American and the Caribbean nationals (for the Joint Program with the University of Talca, Chile) and also for South-East Asian nationals (for the Joint Program with the University of Bogor, Indonesia).


The M.Sc. Program International Agribusiness and Rural Development (IARD) is pleased to announce the call for applications for 2015. DAAD offers scholarships for applicants from Latin-American and the Caribbean nationals (for the Joint Program with the University of Talca, Chile) and also for South-East Asian nationals (for the Joint Program with the University of Bogor, Indonesia).


  • 31 August 2015 for starting in 2016 (Program with the University of Talca, Chile)
  • 15 April  2016 (Program with the University of Bogor, Indonesia)

 Admission Requirements:

  • B.Sc., Diploma or Licenciatura in Agriculture, Agricultural Economics, Rural Development or related discipline
  • Good working knowledge of English documented by a TOEFL-test better than 79 pts. (or IELTS)
  • Professional experience of two years (for DAAD scholarship)