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Youth Environmental Grants

The Pollination Project and Levi Strauss & Company are partnering to offer seed grants and support
to young people involved in a wide variety of environmental programs all over the world.

The program is open to any individual age 22 and under working on an environmental issue anywhere in the world. We define “environmental issues” as conserving, protecting, restoring and/or advocating for the ecosystems upon which our civilization depends. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis starting February 26, 2015 and open until the money runs out!

The Pollination Project and Levi Strauss & Company are partnering to offer seed grants and support
to young people involved in a wide variety of environmental programs all over the world.

The Youth Environmental Grantmaking program includes:

  • 20 seed grants of $1000 each made to youth who are involved in grassroots environmental projects
  • Second-round funding of up to $5000 per project offered in Fall 2015
  • Promotional support for certain projects
  • Capacity building and leadership development training offered through Youth Empowered Action Camp.
  • Special priority consideration for projects recommended by the New Leaders Initiative of the Earth Island Institute.

The program is open to any individual age 22 and under working on an environmental issue anywhere in the world. We define “environmental issues” as conserving, protecting, restoring and/or advocating for the ecosystems upon which our civilization depends. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis starting February 26, 2015 and open until the money runs out!

Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions:

Who is eligible to apply?

Individuals aged 22 or younger who are starting up or leading an environmental project anywhere in the world. We do not fund established organizations with paid staff. Please read our funding guidelines for more information.