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Campus France -- Bio-Asia 2015

Bio-Asia promotes French-Asian research and innovation related to biodiversity, natural substances, and bio-technologies.  Priority topics for 2015 are biodiversity; biotechnologies and health; green chemistry and biotransformation; and biomass energy. Projects must include at least one research unit from France, and at least two research units from Asian partner countries (of which at least one is in an ASEAN member state). The partner countries are Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China, East Timor, India, Indonesia, Laos, Japan, Malaysia, Mayanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Grants are a maximum of €20 thousand per year for two years.

Bio-Asia promotes French-Asian research and innovation related to biodiversity, natural substances, and bio-technologies.  Priority topics for 2015 are biodiversity; biotechnologies and health; green chemistry and biotransformation; and biomass energy. Projects must include at least one research unit from France, and at least two research units from Asian partner countries (of which at least one is in an ASEAN member state). The partner countries are Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China, East Timor, India, Indonesia, Laos, Japan, Malaysia, Mayanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Grants are a maximum of €20 thousand per year for two years.