Think about a project or campaign you are involved in to combat climate change, an action which convinced your parents, school or college to take climate action, a lobbying of your elected members of parliament or your city leaders. Whatever is making a difference, turn it into a snappy concise video and join the competition. Some key questions to answer are:
Why did you choose to engage in this climate action?
What were some of the key things that took place?
What were some of the successes?
Where did these successes occur (locally, nationally or internationally)?
How can youth from similar countries replicate the activities that have been implemented?
How do I enter?
Make a three minute film about the action you are involved in to combat climate change.
Complete your entry using our online form and send us the film before 23.00 GMT 17 August 2015. The videos may be recorded in any language, but English subtitles must be provided.
Films which meet the criteria will be uploaded to tve's You Tube channel tveinspiringchange and a shortlist of entries will be viewed by the judging panel.