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US $25,000 award for Africa’s innovative thinkers


The African Innovations Awards seeks to promote novelty amongst African businesses and individuals by inspiring the next generation to be distinct and establish outstanding businesses that can compete globally.


The African Innovations Awards seeks to promote novelty amongst African businesses and individuals by inspiring the next generation to be distinct and establish outstanding businesses that can compete globally.

The Award identifies and rewards African’s innovative thinkers between the ages of 18-40 in the science and Technology, Healthcare, Education, Energy and agriculture sector. This innovative competition will explore the cutting edge ideas, tools, information and technologies that can help to improve the lives of people of African continent.

On April 9, 2016, the African Innovations Award (AIA) will host its first ever African innovations Award gala night during the 2nd Annual Tedx Accra event in Accra, Ghana.

Selection Criteria

The winning innovations are determined based on the products’ uniqueness and their potential contribution to the socioeconomic development in Africa through increased efficiency and cost savings.

Originality; the uniqueness of the product and its superiority in comparison with similar or alternative products in the market

Marketability; the extent to which the innovation sufficiently addresses the problem it seeks to solve ,a market price or model that is accessible to the target market

Scalability; the extent to which the solution can easily be applied to other similar markets beyond the applicant’s immediate or local environment

Social impact; the ability of the innovation to create or effect positive or desirable changes within the target community and beyond


The African Innovations Award submission process will run from September 1 to November 30 ,2015. Selection partners will choose 15 innovative ideas ,3 from each category to contest for the award during the 15-minute presentation to a panel of judges at the African Innovation demonstration talk during the TEDx Accra 2016.

More the African Innovations Award